Let's go swimming...

Please make sure your child is at the gate on Kenilworth Road for 8.35am, ready to go swimming.

The children need to bring their kit with them in a swimming bag:

  • Swimming costume/swimming shorts

  • Towel

  • Hair brush

  • Long sleeved top / leggings or trousers (for water safety)

We are very excited to get there and complete our swimming curriculum.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 23rd February 2022

SPELLING FOCUS - Hyphens. Next week we will be looking at hyphens in GPS. Learn these spellings ready for next week.

high-spirited, life-size, brother-in-law, empty-handed, single-minded, three-dimensional, follow-up,

ultra-violet, short-change, old-fashioned, well-known, corn-fed, self-service, round-trip, off-peak

Can you find out what the job of a hyphen is? What is its purpose?

MATHS - Arithmetic Focus.

Have a go at the half arithmetic paper that is in your revision folder. Think about the areas that you struggled with last time. Can you correct them on this paper? You may want to time yourself too? Remember to be as accurate as you can.

Look at your jottings - are you being accurate?


  1. County quiz - can you label all of the counties of England?

  2. A fact file about England - create a DETAILED fact file about our own country. What information can you find out and add in.

POTIONS - Can you make yours?

Why don’t you create your own potion at home? Think about the ingredients that you will need and make it up? Can you make a film or a poster advertising your potion?

Year 3 Home Learning 11.02.22


Our strategy this week is to HIGHLIGHT any SUPRISES. This will make these trickier parts stand out and hopefully be remembered.

Our sound this week is the ‘sh ‘sound spelt ‘ch’

  1. chef

  2. chalet

  3. brochure

  4. charade

  5. machine

  6. parachute

  7. crochet

  8. chandelier


Please make sure you are doing lots of reading over the holidays and make sure you are getting your quizzes done on AR Reader.

Online Safety:

This week we have been introduced to blogging and started our own class blog on the uses of the internet, the advantages, disadvantages and appropriates ways to behave and communicate online. Can you share this blog with your parents, discuss what we learnt in class and add a comment to our blog.

This week....

This week we have continued to be like Curious Clara. We found out that sometimes our magnets clicked together and then at other times they pushed away from each other. Mmmmm curious!

We discovered that a every magnet has both a north and a south pole. When you place the north pole of one magnet near the south pole of another magnet, they are attracted to one another. When you place like poles of two magnets near each other (north to north or south to south), they will repel each other. We have learnt learnt two new words. Click here to watch Maddie tell us about magnets.

We have also been talking about recycling, which materials can be used again and which bin to put them in. Click here to to go on a recycling hunt at home with Maddie and Buster. The children have even been upcycling, also known as creative reuse. They have transformed boxes, and unwanted bits and bobs into new objects with artistic value. I suspect you have received some items at home this week

Click here to listen to a story about a little girl and her dog who set out to make ‘The Most Magnificent Thing’. But after much hard work, the end result is not what the girl had in mind. Frustrated, she quits. Her dog suggests a long walk, and as they walk, it slowly becomes clear what the girl needs to do to succeed.


This week we have reflected on all the things we have thanked God for this half term: for making us all special and unique with individual talents; we have thanked Him for our bodies, our ability to run, hop, skip, swim and play football. But, we also recognise that we must look after our bodies by making healthy choices.

We have started to learn a new song to sign this week. It’s rather tricky but we are getting there. Click here to listen.

Key Person blog

What a lovely week it has been at nursery! We started the week by learning how to care for our planet Earth, to keep it clean and green. We were all Kiki Chameleons being creative when using recycled materials to build junk models! After listening to the story ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ we talked about how upsetting it is to hear that a discarded plastic bag could end up in the ocean and be a danger to animals. The children were brilliant at suggesting ways to not litter...can they remember any of their ideas? Tee and Mo have a great song about how we can help , (even as little people), to look after our wonderful world. Click here to listen. Or try their game here.

Keeping with the reuse and recycle theme...we made a super rubbish lorry outside! This then led to the making of a chalked road and roundabout, along with road signs and traffic lights! This has been great fun!

We also had challenges this week to make number lines with the pebbles. What number came next? What number is missing from the line? Hmm, we had to think and work out the problem, concentrating like Cooper Crab! Another challenge was to fit lots of stacking boxes back inside one big box. This was really tricky and got us all using our brains.

Not only have our brains been busy this week, so have our bodies! Our fundamental movement skills are developing really, really well and we are showing great resilience. You can tell we have been practising a lot because we are getting better and better. Maybe you could ask the children to show you their hopping or throwing skills?

Have a lovely half term!

Michelle, Colette, Frances, Justine


One of our maths activities this week has been to count the beats on a drum. Jacqui from the kitchen has saved lots of big tins for us to use as drums…thanks Jacqui.

Click here to play a similar game at home.

We have made an ‘how do you feel today’ corner, with help from The Colour Monster’. We have filled jars full of the colours that represent our emotions. We left one jar empty so that we can put coloured poms poms in to show our feelings in colour. If you have forgotten the story click here to listen.

If we need a quiet moment we have erected a quiet tent with the softest rug and cushions, perfect for reflection.

Click here for Moody Monsters game.

It has been such a busy, fun and exciting half term and the children have learnt so much, but, they are all tired. Try and have a good rest next week (if that’s possible) because when we return we have one last week to recap learning about Space and then the children have asked to explore the world of mythical creatures; fairies, dragons. boggarts, and much much more!!! We can’t wait!!!

Please take care during the holidays and make some lovely family memories, that will last forever. We will see everyone bright eyed and bushy tailed on the 21st February.


Year 3 11.2.22 'Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it and get a new one every six months'

We can’t believe that we have reached the end of the first Spring term, these last few weeks seem to have flown by! How time flies when you’re having fun and of course learning as deeply as Year 3 are. On Tuesday We kicked off our Online-Safety learning. This is such a crucial part of the curriculum as the children are becoming more computer literate and are using online platforms more and more, it is so important that we explore the positives and sometimes negatives of this usage, as well as given them the tools to explore these in a safe way. This week (as you may have guessed from the title), we have been discussing the need for passwords, why we have them and what we can do to protect ourselves. They have also been introduced to blogging, looking at how written responses can often be misunderstood and then we created our own rules when communicating online: making sure she are always kind, respectful and appropriate, always making sure we are clear in what we write. We even created our own class blog, where we shared our thoughts of how we use the internet and how we should behave online. This blog remains open on purple mash, but the comments have to be approved by the teacher. For their homework, we have asked them to add more of their thoughts to this blog. This would be a great opportunity to share and discuss this area further as their parents, making sure they fully understand the need for appropriate behaviour online.

Year 3 Learning this week …

In English this week we have been continuing with our new unit of ‘The Green Children’, we have been looking at story openings of many books and using our inference skills to match with the pictures. We have also explored some new vocabulary that will be find in the text we are reading after half term, we have had lots of fun finding synonyms, clapping the syllables and making up actions for our verbs.

In Maths have approached another new strategy that we can apply when subtracting numbers. The children have worked extremely hard to master these, they have required us to be real Sadie Spiders and Isabella Insects!

Let’s Celebrate!

A suggestion had been made in one of our class council meetings that the children are able to chose the certificates at the end of each half term, and so we have done just that! We thought carefully about what qualities we look out for when awarding a certificate and then the children kept this in mind when making their decisions.

It was heart warming reading their suggestions and why they had chosen that particular child.

We have counted up the votes and our two certificates this week go to:

ELSIE for being. “A kind learning partner,” “For concentrating carefully during every lesson” and “for believing in herself and going for her targets.”

FAYE for being… “always being kind and focused” and “because you are just so kind and you are always focused. You put your hand up every time.”


  • Upon reflection and much discussion, as a community, we have decided that Holy Communion will now take place in Year 4 not Year 3. This has happened the last two years and we feel the children at this age are much more ready and have a much deeper understanding of this spiritual journey and commitment to their faith.

  • Don’t forget to book on to our open afternoon on Wednesday 16th March to look at your child’s learning. You book this through the form found on the last week’s blog on the discovery page.

  • World book day is on Thursday 3rd March and we will be celebrating its 25th anniversary! For this day, we would like to invite the children to dress up as their favourite book characters!

  • Parents meetings will be available to book via the newsletter on the discovery page. These meetings will be held on Wednesday 9th March and Wednesday 23rd March from 2:30pm - 5:30pm.

And finally…

This week each class has been set a task to think of something we would love to see in our outside playground. We have then created a video and each class has voted for their favourite idea. We cannot wait to see which idea has been chosen - we would love them all! Here is our video, led by our two class councilors Liam and Ella.

Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Don't be afraid to take on the biggest of challenges, they offer the greatest reward.'

We have reached the end of a very busy half term, and what a half term it has been. I know I say this most weeks, but I really am in awe of the work that the children are completing and the expectations that they have of themselves. Whether it be science, maths, music or art, the children always get fully stuck into their learning and become immersed by what they are being taught. I am so very proud of them all.

Read more

Year 3 Remote Learning WB Monday 7th February

This week we are continuing with our read and respond stage of our Green children unit and pre-teaching some of the vocabulary found in the text we will be reading next week …


Tuesday’s lessons:

Wednesday’s lessons:

Thursday’s lesson:

After IXL English strands W1 and W2 on conjunctions, please complete the following worksheet:

Friday’s lesson:

Complete the IXL English strand DD.1 on synonyms, the complete the following maps on two verbs you choose from the list from Wednesday’s lesson.


Please follow the link below to see all of the lesson videos, you should watch in the following order:

Tuesday: Multiplication equal groups

Wednesday: using arrays

Thursday: multiply by 4

Friday: ‘The 4 times table’

Worksheets to go with the Maths lesson:

Tuesday’s Computing Lesson: