Happy Half-Term Year One

I can hardly believe I am writing my final blog of this half term. The past six weeks have certainly been different and have challenged us all in different ways. I could not be prouder of the children; they have all thrown themselves into their learning and so much learning has happened.

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Wishing you a Happy and Holy Christmas

To all of my wonderful Year 1 families, I just want to say thank you. I am beyond grateful for all of the extra learning you do with the children at home; I know how much the children love sharing their learning with you. They have made wonderful progress since September and every step has been magical. I could not be prouder of them!

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‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.’

The children have worked so hard this week and have really challenged their brilliant brains, especially in maths! On Tuesday we had Online Safety Day. We had lots of discussion about communicating online and the importance of always being kind. The children then sent emails to story book characters, such as The Big Bad Wolf and Goldilocks. It was lovely to see how these children communicated kindly even though they didn’t agree with the choices of these characters.

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