Welcome to Year 6...the journey begins

HELLO and a big welcome to Year 6 for 2021 and 2022. I bet you cannot believe that your child has journeyed all the way through school and are now in their final year here. I promise that this year will be one to remember and one that is full of opportunities and experiences for them to grasp with both hands.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'We rise by lifting others.'

Learning in class is a little different in the summer term. To allow for me to work in the hall with the children on the play, the children in class are tasked with planning their own learning (something that is essential for their life at high school). I am so proud of each of them as the work that they are producing is of the same standard that they have achieved this year, they have set the bar high.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - ' “There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.”

Thirty hopeful and slightly nervous children entered the classroom this morning, eager to see which part they had been given in the end of year play. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of all of the children this week. For some children, they took a huge leap into the unknown and really faced their fears of performing and singing solo. I cannot wait to start putting this production together.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.'

It has been lovely to welcome all of the children back this week for their final term at Our Ladys. The sun has shone and we have been able to get outside and have fun with each other. Throughout this half term, we are continuing to explore the virtues of love and compassion. We are aware that for all of the children, a change will be happening in their lives come September. It is really important that we continue to look after each other and to treat everyone with kindness and compassion.

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Year 6 Easter Reflection - "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE."

As we finish school today for Easter, I am reflecting on a week that has been filled with prayer. We have become thoroughly immersed in the passion of Christ and what it means for us here on Earth. I hope that our interpretation of the Easter story, through photographs, words and art has given you a chance to spend time on your own spiritual journey to the cross and to rejoice in the eternal life that we have been given.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Health is a relationship between your body and mind.'

If you have love and compassion then your heart is healthy and will shine brightly. I have such an enormous amount of respect for my class, they really are growing into such beautiful human beings who will go on and work wonders in our world. There has been a lot of opportunity, since we have been back together, for the children to work and collaborate together. Watching them interact, collaborate, share, discuss and work in unison is one of my favorite things to do.

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