Year 3 Home Learning 26.11.21


This week's strategy is called ‘Quick write’. The aim is to write the word as many times as possible in one minute. Your child may look at the word to begin with but should be encouraged to memorise it towards the end of the one minute or as soon as they feel confident. 

Even though children are writing quickly they should still be encouraged to present work to a high standard. 

If you would like to extend the homework you may want your child to think, say and write one or more sentences with one or more of the words in. 

 Our spelling focus this week is adding the suffix -ous. When adding this suffix we sometimes need to change the root word and sometimes the root word remains the same. Remember, “Is there a letter I need to swap? Is there a letter to double or drop?”

  1. dangerous

  2. poisonous

  3. hazardous

  4. nervous

  5. generous

  6. ridiculous

  7. tremendous

  8. venomous

Maths IXL:

Please complete B.6 - ‘Greatest and least word problems’


This week we have started to look at main clauses and how these can be used as either a simple sentence or joined together using a coordinating conjunction. To help us remember the coordinating conjunctions, we use the term FANBOYS (please see below).

For your homework, see if you can spot any of these compound sentences when you are reading your books together and discuss where the main clauses are and the meaning of the conjunction within the sentence.

Then could you please have a go at the following strands on IXL:

IXL English- W.1. - ‘Use conjunctions’

Year 3 blog 26.11.21 'No act of kindness however small, is ever wasted'

This week we have taken our dragon spotting and learning to another level… It has been all about a particular species of dragon this week, ‘the Manchester Ridge-back’. Year 3 have been pulling a part the text that gives more information on this dragon, we have learnt many new words within this text and have been adding lots of great descriptive words to our dragon display (the children like to call this vocabulary ‘Dragonese’). We have now started to learn this text off by heart and they now should be experts at the first two paragraph, why don’t you ask them to show you over the weekend and see if they can remember the actions. We are continuing with the next two paragraphs next week. This is a great way for the children to learn the structure of non- chronological texts before they write, but also helps them to learn new vocabulary and a chance to hear how different structures can be used within their writing. I particularly love the part where they use the connective ‘however’ and ‘especially’!

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This week....

Such an exciting week!

The nursery ladies have been watching carefully and noticed that a large group of our children are great builders, some love a cosy moment in the book area whilst other enjoy the home corner. With this in mind, one night after school the nursery fairies decided to rearrange nursery! We now have a huge construction area, an even cosier book corner with cushions and rugs and our home corner, wow the children LOVE it!

It is our plan to give you a guided virtual tour, hopefully next week! Hannah is on to it, fingers crossed and watch this space!

Can I highlight that next week our monthly newsletter will be sent out. It is full of Christmas events that are happening over the next few weeks. Be sure you don’t miss out on the festive fun! If you have any questions just give me a ring or drop me an email.

Clare, Colette and Hannah’s blog

Wow...we are indeed a musical lot this year! A few of the children were enjoying finding different objects around nursery and garden to see what sounds the objects made. Within minutes we had our very own band as numbers had multiplied and we had a plethora of wonderful sounds! This musicality is hopefully going to shine through when its Nativity time!!

Perhaps you can practice our songs at home? Click here for a new version of Away in a Manger (only the first verse please) and here for Sing and Dance for Joy (we are singing ‘dance’ instead of shout for joy etc).

We have had more fun in the hall this week,  - our new favourite is ‘The Circle Song’! Might be a tricky one to practice at home but our group was super at following the moves! Here is the music if you fancy a go!

The three little pigs made another visit with our friends the Numberblocks this week… the children love this story in any form and enjoyed the maths game many of them played alongside it. Perhaps have a go at home at drawing house number one with one window, number two with two windows and three with three windows? Send them into nursery next week and can display them. Good luck!

Clare, Colette and Hannah

Lastly, with the start of Advent fast approaching (yes, it’s next Wednesday!) the children have been planning where we will put our tree and how we should decorate it! It’s all very exciting! We also thought we could recreate the stable in Bethlehem and ‘Christmasify’ (I’m not sure that’s a word) all the areas of the continuous provision. We will take lots of photos to share with you all next week.

We hope that everyone has a calm and restful weekend, not too much Christmas shopping! We look forward to an even busier week at nursery next week!


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 24th November 2021

Spelling - Retrieval test! This week’s spellings are all of the ones that we have been learning since half term. Next week I will give you a random test on them.

expansion, permission, comprehension, admission, tension, profession, possession, impression, collision, revision, confession, progression, direction, explanation, competition, cautious, especially, appreciate, ancient, delicious, subtraction, politician, infection, international, crying, reliable, busily, happiness, heavily, beautifully, mysterious, applied, business, heavier, copier, happily.

Maths - Please can you continue to learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

IXL - Maths M2 and M3 - adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. This should be a good one to whizz through. You all know how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.

CHALLENGE - M4 - adding and subtracting fractions word problems

English - Henry VIII biographical notes

Over the next three weeks, we will be starting to write our Outcome 1 and Outcome 2 of our biographical unit of work. For us to be able to write really good biographies, we have to have a really good knowledge about the person that we are writing about. I want you to continue to gather content all about Henry VIII this week. What further information can you find out about him? I have set you a Purple Mash template for you to record your research on.

Think about:

  • DATES - significant dates that appear in Henry’s life.

  • Significant people.

  • Significant places.

  • Context specific vocabulary.

Year 3 blog 19.11.21- ‘Give room to the reality of the heart, of the mind and of the imagination’

We have had a very special visitor who has come to stay in our classroom this week … Flame (our class pet dragon). Please do not be alarmed though, he is an extremely friendly dragon, who loves to be tickled under the chin and does not like loud noises. The children have loved welcoming Flame and every morning have enjoyed seeing which position in the classroom he has put himself next. There has been a real buzz of learning in Year 3 this week as we have started our new English topic on dragons. We have been reading all about them, been on a dragon hunt collecting evidence of dragon activity, hot seated those who have claimed to have had a sighting of a dragon and even written our own diary entry of our very own dragon sighting- I have never seen the children so quite and focused on their writing!

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Year 3 Home Learning 19.11.21


This week’s strategy is called ‘Rainbow Writing’ …

Write the word in a different colours several times. 

(Use sharp coloured pencil crayons rather than felt tips if you can)

Our spellings this week are from our Year 3 focus words:

  1. busy

  2. address

  3. breathe

  4. breath

  5. believe

  6. actually

  7. although

  8. answer

Maths IXL:

Please complete B.2 - ‘comparing numbers up to 1,000’


This week we have started our exciting English topic based around dragons. We have been reading all about them and even met one that lives within our classroom, but what we want to know is… what image do you have in your head when you think of a dragon? Can you design, draw and describe your own dragon. You will find the following sheet in your homework books to help you.

Please can you draw, label and write a short description of your very own dragon.

This week...

A fabulous week of learning at nursery. The children are growing each week in confidence and taking more challenge in their play and learning. We are proud of each and every one of them.

One of our number two challenges this week was to sort and pair socks and wellies, but guess what, we can’t find our sock box anywhere. Can you help? If you have any old socks of different sizes and patterns we would be most grateful for donations. Thank you in anticipation.

Clare, Colette and Hannah’s blog

This week we have continued to thank God for all the amazing animals on the planet! We have drawn even more interesting animals and we even had a vote for our favourite animal. Alongside this, we just had to learn an animal song too! Click here to watch the song ‘Animal House’

The Autumn winds have blown lots of leaves around Nursery garden…on Wednesday it was so windy that it looked like it was raining leaves!! We had lots of fun exploring the different kinds of leaves and looking at all the beautiful colours on the ground. We even discovered one or two wiggly worms hiding at the bottom of the pile of leaves.

We have been continuing to look at the Number three and have been continuing to practise our m, a, s, d and t sounds with our lovely Geraldine the Giraffe. Why not get wrapped up warm and head out on a lovely Autumn walk to see if you can find anything that starts with one of our sounds? There is usually a few things at the park beginning with ‘S’. Or try the sound quiz on purple mash… Click here

As we mentioned in last week’s blog we have begun to organise our Nativity play. We have been sharing the Christmas story with the children and they have been asking lots of questions (as they always do!!). Everyone has been getting excited about their role in the Nativity.

Now for the photos!

Next week we will be learning the songs for the Nativity and also our lines in readiness for filming. Costumes are ready, cameras are set, it’s all systems go… hopefully. The play will go live on this blog in a few weeks time, I will let you know the date as soon as I can…watch this space.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and wrap up warm, apparently it’s going to be cold…brrrrrr!

Barbara, Clare, Colette, Hannah and Frances