Year 3 24.09.21- 'It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop'

What a lovely week we have had in Year 3! The children are continuing to work extremely hard and there seems to be lots of learning points being given to children for their focused, resilient and enthusiastic attitudes! We have talked a lot about presentation of their work in class, how our books show what pride we take in our work and many of the children have worked extra hard to make sure every piece of work reflects what hard work they are putting in. As it says on the title, ‘it doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop’. I really hope the children get to share their work with you at some point this year, as we are sure you will be impressed!

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Year 3 Home Learning 24.09.21


  1. Next week we are starting to plan our own fables. Please can the children choose two animals that are totally different like ‘the tortoise and the Hare’ or my example of ‘cheetah and the elephant’ and create a fact file on Purple Mash for them. Please do not choose the same animals as these- let’s be creative! I have set a 2Do for this, so just click on it and you will see the first page is modelled for you to copy the structure. Can this please be handed in ready for our lesson on Wednesday?

  2. This week we have started to look at adverbs, focusing on how they can describe how we move. Please have a go at the ’ Adverbs quiz’ under your 2Do’s in Purple Mash. Watch this fun song that we will be looking in class first to help you …

Spellings of the week …

Don’t forget to keep practising your half termly spellings, there is only 4 weeks left!

This week our spelling focus has been that often when words start with w, wh and qu followed by an ‘a’ - the ‘a’ makes an ‘o’ sound. We have learnt the rhyme: “Spell ‘o’ with an ‘a’ after ‘w’ as in wash. Spell ‘o’ with an ‘a’ after ‘qu’ as in squash.

Our spellings this week are:

  1. was

  2. what

  3. want

  4. watch

  5. wander

  6. wallet

  7. quality

  8. quarrel


Please complete the IXL strands A6 Skip-Counting Sequences and A9 Counting Patterns

This week....

A lovely sunny start to the week, but by Thursday there has been a definite Autumnal chill in the air. The leaves are changing colour and beginning to fall from the all the trees in the nursery garden, a bit faster than we can sweep them up some days!

The conkers have also started to fall from our Horse Chestnut tree, the children were very excited about opening each one to reveal the conker inside, some were big, some were small and one or two were really tiny! We have collected them in a large bowl so that we are able to count them and order them according to size.

If you are going for a walk this weekend why not take this leaf spotting checklist with you. Click on the button below.

Our Fabulous Friends display is completed. I am sure you will agree that everyone has worked very hard!


This term we are celebrating creation. Thanking God for our beautiful planet Earth, which God made as a home for everyone.
This week we have been thanking God for the gift of air. Together we have been taking deep breathes, feeling the air as it tickles our noses. We then thanked God for this wonderful gift.
 You may want to breathe in our lovely clean air with your child and thank God together.

Clare’s blog

This week we have been so very busy.

We decorated our key person books and made it very colourful. We are now excited to fill it full of our learning. We have continued to look deeply at number one, so that we can really understand its value, the children collected one toy and then they took one photo of it all by themselves
We have been rolling balls, balancing, even making a bridge. We enjoyed dressing up as doctors and have also been reading lots of books, your children really love stories!


Hannah’s blog

The children have been busy growing their friendships this week and playing beautifully with one another. A lovely sunny week (in the main) has meant we have had the perfect backdrop for challenging our bodies with lots of climbing and balancing on our obstacle courses. The children have set up the equipment themselves and love the satisfaction of getting from one end of the nursery garden to another! I have enjoyed our story times and the songs we have sang together this week, we really are growing our listening and joining in skills! Lots of super recognition with our friend ‘Number 1’ and many of us have had a look at the sound ‘m’ – have a look at the sound mat that has been sent home … can you remember what the sound looked like?

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Colette’s blog

Sadly, Colette has not been at nursery this week. I know you have missed her as much as we have but don’t worry she will be back on Monday.

The children in Colette’s group have been working closely with the rest of the nursery team. Rest assured they have been loved, cared for and have continued on their individual learning journey, as you can see in the photos.

Lastly, it remains for say, have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday for another busy week.


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 22nd September 2021


In Year 6, we have to learn all of the spelling patterns taught in KS2. Each week I will set you some spellings based on our work in class. Learn them for homework ready for a quiz next Tuesday. This week’s spellings continue to look at suffixes.

beautiful, careless, hopeful, deceitful, thoughtless, government,

powerful, judgement, achievement, definitely


This week has been all about place value and decimal knowledge. Can you complete these IXL strands to consolidate your understanding.

IXL Year 6 maths - K2, K3 and BB.3


South America.png

Over the next few weeks, you will be completing your own South America project at home. You will then be using the information that you have found to create your own interactive book. Please complete this piece of homework in your HOMEWORK BOOK.

This week is about your country’s capital city.

Can you create an information page in your homework book about the capital city?

What is its population? Size of the capital city? Landmarks? Location? Interesting facts?

Year 3 Home Learning 17.09.21

Home learning is set every Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday - apart from this week!

Thank you for all of your wonderfully decorated books!


  1. Please listen to the fable ‘The Hare on the Tortoise’ on the BBC website and discuss with an adult at home what you think the moral of the fable is. Can you write it in your homework books please.

  2. Please complete IXL Year 3 English strand O1 ‘Use the correct Article’ (determiners).


Children are doing really well with their reading, please keep reading at home and encourage them to read every night.

Spellings of the week …

This week our spelling focus has been adding the suffix - ly. We have found that with most words we don’t need to double, drop or swap any letters. However words that end with ‘y’ are different and we need to change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ before adding ‘ly’.

Please practise these spelling ready for our spelling quiz next Friday:

  1. quick - quickly

  2. glad - gladly

  3. quiet - quietly

  4. brave - bravely

  5. speedy - speedily

  6. happy - happily


Please go to purple Mash where is a 2Do to complete ‘Place Value in 3 digit numbers’.

This week....

Another fun week at nursery. We have been reading ‘The Colour Monster’ story to try and understand our feelings and emotions. Everyone loves the story, you may have even heard your child saying that they feel yellow or red! Click here to listen to the story and help your child to self- regulate their emotions using colour. Maybe, the children could draw how they are feeling using the corresponding colour…I hope they are all yellow or green!

You will have noticed that we have send home everyone’s Purple Mash log in details this week. Purple Mash is a cloud-based platform for primary-aged (and early years) children. It contains a wide range of age-appropriate, creative software tools for writing, drawing and activities across the early years curriculum. Click here for more information on how to log in. You will notice that I have pinned a quick tutorial video to help you navigate the virtual classroom. I hope you enjoy using it t home. Also, watch our for any activities your key person may have set!


The children have started their key group ‘Learning together’ floor book. They have been drawing their pictures and have begun to record all the learning they have been doing at nursery.

Some of our families have been asking about Read, Write Inc. Click here to find out more. Please note that in nursery we will be introducing Set 1 speed sounds. Watch the video to see how we pronounce each sound. Also, Alphablocks is a good resource. Click here to watch the Alphablocks song!

Next week we will send home a Read Write Inc sound mat. Keep a lookout for it in your child’s book bag!

And now for the Key person blogs, your favourite bit I expect!

Clare’s blog

This week we have been looking closely at ourselves and talking about our emotions.

We helped our friend the Colour Monster to sort his emotions, he had got them all in a muddle.

He was feeling happy, sad, angry, scared, calm and love all at the same time!

So we connected each emotion with a colour to help him. You may want to ask your child to act out each emotion but be careful as they are very good at the angry emotion!
Over the next few weeks we will be working with the colour monster to better understand our own emotions.

We also painted our own portraits, first we looked at ourselves in the reflection of a mirror, noting all the details we could see, then we set to work painting. The portraits are completed and they are fabulous and we hope to display them soon, we will post a picture of the display here on the blog next week.

The children are all still being wonderful, loving making friends and doing lots and lots of important playing.


Hannah’s blog

What another wonderful week at nursery! The children are continuing to settle in beautifully and make friendships as they explore the nursery environment. We have been lucky with more lovely sunshine meaning we can enjoy our learning and playing outside. The children have done so well recalling all the mixed up emotions in the story of The Colour Monster and have been recognising these emotions in themselves as we continue to talk about how we feel. It really is so important to understand our feelings and begin to think about how we can then help ourselves and one another if we need to with sad, angry or scared feelings! We have also done some great work with our Numberblock friend ‘Number 1’ and have started to explore healthy eating choices and how we can look after our bodies!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Colette’s blog

What another great week in Nursery! The children have been entering Nursery with smiles on their faces, it has been so wonderful to watch them.

We have been very fortunate with the weather too which meant we were able to enjoy that beautiful sunshine whilst we played. The children have been making and building in the garden, we have made some houses for the three little pigs but the big bad wolf was able to blown them down! We better look for some stronger materials next week and make sure they are wolf proof!

There was also time to build an obstacle course, which the children worked together to build. We were able to practise our jumping and landing skills too.

As always, there has been lots and lots of reading inside and outside of nursery, there have been books everywhere!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend together.


I must say a big thank you to everyone who took time out of their busy schedule to come along and speak to their key person. It was so lovely to eventually see you in person. Please don’t worry of you have not managed to touch base with you child’s key person yet, just drop them and email and make an appointment.

I have it on good authority (the BBC weather app) that Saturday is going to be a nice day, we must make the most of it!

We will see you all on Monday for another wonderful week of learning.


Year 3 17.09.21 'They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel'

Year 3 have not stopped this week, they have immersed themselves in all of their learning and have shown just how eager they are to grow their brains! They have really impressed us this week with how much they love their reading, coming in on Monday with many of them so eager to quiz, it was truly wonderful to see. We had a long discussion this day on how it is not the amount of times that we quiz that counts, but whether we are challenging ourselves with the books we read, whether we enjoy what we are reading and of course how well we understood what we have read. The children have really took this on board and we are seeing much more suitable choices in regards to books.

We started off the week with such a pleasant surprise- our first assembly in the hall. Although the infants did not join us, it was so lovely to celebrate all of the Year 6 jobs as a key stage and Year 3 listened and sat so beautifully.

On Wednesday, the children shared their Class Council speeches and what a job they did too! From poems, to posters, motivational speeches and even videos with guest appearances! They all did a fantastic job, speaking out so confidently and bravely in front of their class. What we were most proud of, was the support and encouragement they all gave to one another, hence the quote title today. Thank you Year 3 for being supportive of one another.

It was a very close vote, but the two children with the most votes were:

Ella and Liam

Congratulations to you both, I am sure you will represent Year 3 incredibly well.

On Thursday we continued our coding work in computing, by learning how to create a ticking clock, by creating ‘Code blocks’. We had to create a sequence of instructions to make our clocks tick  and ring a bell. All of the children showed their resilience, tweaking and problem solving their work until they had successfully completed the task.

In RE we continued to think about God’s world. We thought about some of our favourite things about the world and shared these together. We have also been thinking about our families, reflecting on our happy memories and thinking about what we can do to help one another.

We ended the week with our first spelling quiz were we focused on the spelling rule: ’dropping the ’e’ when adding the ’y’. We had lots of 100% which has set the bar very high! Keep up the great work Year 3, I wonder if we could get everybody to beat or maintain (those of you who got 100%) your score next week…


Year 3 Learning this week …

In English this week, we have continued our fables work, focusing on the morals and sequencing of the stories. There were some wonderful sentences created when we sequenced ‘the Lion and the Mouse’.

The Maths focus continues to be place value, this week we have looked at drawings to represent numbers up to 1,000 and looking at the value of each digit.

Let’s Celebrate!

Millie for being focused and brave:

You pushed yourself outside of your comfort zone by sharing a wonderful speech in front of your peers. We have also been impressed by your wonderful focus during each and every lesson! You set yourself goals and you stay focused to make sure you achieve them. This is fantastic to see Millie. We cannot wait to watch you grow and achieve your goals this year! Well done Millie!

Bella for being focused:

We have been so impressed by your focus this week! During our gymnastics lesson you concentrated carefully, managed your distractions and created a beautiful sequence! Not only have we seen your focus this week, we have also spotted your kindness. You are always one of the first to offer their help, making you a great learning partner! Well done Bella, we are so proud of you!


  • Still outstanding forms need to be competed.

  • Please see the Home Learning section of the Year 3 page to see your child’s home learning this week