Year 5 Monday 23rd March Learning from home!

Here are your lesson for today Monday March 23rd. I hope you have your maths and writing books with you. If not organise picking them up at school. Do your very best and keep in touch!

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Good morning Year 5



COMPUTER - please see the blog below titled “Monday 23rd- using SUMDOG while learning from home” here you will find an instruction video and your passwords for this new learning platform, which we will be using while you are away from school. The film is also in our Year 5 “How to help at home” section (orange button on our class blog). Have fun today playing the games. You need to know I managed to balance 13 strange items- let me know if you beat me- you’ll know what I mean once you get started


Reading- let’s move onto reading more SCI FI! If you were away last week the class played with Sci FI toys and wrote toy reviews we also talked about what SCI- FI is to them. We decided it was - aliens from other planets, space ships, blasters, star wars, imperial fighters and Dr.Who saving planet Earth. We then went onto to reading short SCI-FI stories. I have set another one here today called “THE PET SNATCHERS!” Open up the link and answer the comprehension questions in your book. Try to keep your new book neat and organised include a date and title.


Maths division. I would like to keep teaching you maths online- moving your learning forward I have created the lesson boards and filmed myself teaching. I will ask you to pause the film to complete the tasks set. Please press play below:


Finally email me:

Creative challenge:

We played with SCI-FI toys last week. This week I would like you to create a UFO. I have uploaded a picture of one Billy has. If you don’t have Lego what else could you use?


Physical challenge

You will need permission for this one. Have you seen the football stars completing the kick-up challenge with a roll of toilet tissue? My very own footballer is setting you the challenge- he has managed to do 9 so far-

Monday March 23rd - Using Sumdog while we learn from home/school

Helping you to learn maths at home with SUM DOG

Follow the instructions, log on and play!

Dear children welcome to our online learning community. We will be helping you to keep learning every day!

We have subscribed every child in the school to the interactive maths website “SUM DOG.COM”. To get started I have made a little on screen instruction video below. You will need your username and password. The passwords for each class are to be found below :

Reception Sumdog Passwords

Year 1 Sumdog Passwords

Year 2 Sumdog Passwords

Year 3 Sumdog Passwords

Year 4 Sumdog Passwords

Year 5 Sumdog Passwords

Year 6 Sumdog Passwords

Year 5 homework to be handed in on Thursday 19th March


Please read every night - we are half way through the half term and our astronauts (reading target wall) are steadily climbing to the moon! Keep up the focus!


This week the children have moved on from the expanded method when completing long multiplication- they are now using the short method. A couple of members of the class helped me to make a little teaching video for you to see. The children have to sit you down and explain the method to you. There are then 8 sums to complete by you- your child will then mark them! I have also given them 8 sums to complete on their own and you can check these! Have fun teachers and be well behaved pupils- mums and dads!

Please click on the “how to help your child at home button” on our blog page for the video


I have set you a research task on Purple Mash all about Galileo- please complete

Science/Sci-fi writing- FOR MONDAY

Next week we will begin our work on Science Fiction. I start this work with an exploration of science-fiction toys. If you have any please bring them on Monday morning. These could include, toy aliens, star wars related toys, astronaut figures etc.


I would like the children to teach you the following saying:

Mr Van eats messy jam sandwiches under Newcastle Pier! They will tell you why.


Relative clause are a very important grammar structure , which we learn in Year 5. I have set you a relative clause task on Purple Mash- have Fun!