Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in on Friday 18th November


A number of children have set off on our reading progress chart! All the children have an astronaut and they have to jump to the percentage stars to reach the moon 100%. Please ensure that your child reads every day.


I know a number of children are focused on getting through their decimal units on IXL - please complete.

Other children: make sure you are working through all of IXL unit D - multiplication fluency

If you have all these complete the logic reasoning IXL P3 and polish of F1

English - word work

This week in history we have explored how Greek language is everywhere in our everyday vocabulary. Please complete IXL ENGLISH U2 and U3 - Exploring Greek and Latin roots.

History - retrieval (show what you know)

In Purple Mash you will find a 2do for a Greek man. Please complete the mashcam. Imagine you are Herodotus (father of history). Inside the speech bubble - using accurate grammar and punctuation explain aspects of live in Athens. Use your research form last week.

This work is to be added to our display in school it needs to be really well thought out.

Have fun!